Yesterday lunchtime, when I returned to Birmingham after a wonderful weekend of home comforts, I was greeted back by the presence outside my bedroom door of a little rectangular package. The beginning of the month only means one thing- NEW MAGAZINES! I gleefully unwrapped the plastic to reveal the glossy cover of March Vogue- and who is there nonchalantly staring out at me? The one and only icon of modern tomboy chic dressing- Alexa Chung. Now, Alexa has been a perennial favourite of mine as I compile my lists of style icons and magazine collages of inspiration but currently her name is only associated with one thing....the Mulberry
Alexa bag. I have been salivating over every magazine photo in which she is snapped hanging off the arm of Miss Chung herself or one of Mulberry's bouffant coiffeured models. I always looked upon this wondrous item as just another dream bag which I would lust over but never actually own. That is, until my wish was granted and the beautiful fairy mama gifted me with one of my very own. Not stolen, not borrowed, but my very own. So, now I plan on parading my dream bag about with fantasies of being as effortlessly cool as Chung herself. I might just have to invest in a cute little navy blazer, preppy but girly dress and chunky ankle boots or R&B brogues to complete the look. For now I'm just happy to stare at it and smile.
Here is dear Alexa in all the beauty of her soft and supple leather. The nailvarnish is another recent purchase and prized possession- Chanel 'particuliere' as worn by Lily Allen.
And here is the inspiration herself, Alexa Chung, carrying the oversized Alexa, and looking, if I must say, deservedly smug.
Only just noticed the nail varnish, didn't think it came out til March!