Sunday, 10 January 2010

Who says lounge-wear can't be fun?

When I'm chilling out in my incredibly cold student house I live in a uniform of the standard american preppy tracksuits and hoodies by Abercrombie and (intake of breath) Jack Wills (No, I'm not proud of this at all). So imagine my delight when I found out about a few tracksuits by the London designer Ashish which are both fun, fierce and pretty damn cool.

The first- a SKELETON SUIT!!!- unfortunately came out in 2007 so is, as far as I can find out, not available for purchase which makes me incredibly sad. An outfit like this is PERFECT for scaring little kids in on Halloween and for general laughs on a daily basis. Hey, if clothes make you smile then they've done their job.

The second is part of the Ashish line due to drop in Topshop on February 3rd (watch out as I shall be first in line, sharp elbows at the ready). Rihanna- queen of edge street style- has already been seen out and about in this scary but oddly quite sexy studded tracksuit. I hope to follow suit- probably not wearing both pieces together but DEFINITELY a look to rock outside the house with heels (if the snow ever melts that is)

1 comment:

  1. That Asish for Topshop jumpsuit is amazing, would be a bit hard to lounge in however. But perfect for Rihanna, no-one will punch her wearing that.
