One of my recent major fashion crushes perfectly epitomises the versatility and sexiness of black- and the glam-grunge (NO, I shall not revert to calling it 'glunge'- bad word merge) aesthetic that has been in and out of the spotlight over the last few years: LEIGH LEZARK. She's a model, AND a DJ (part of the NY trio the Misshapes) so she is basically a dream. A sleek and super cool dream.

Leigh never strays from her signature blunt black bob, which is so shiny it's practically its own glitter ball; her hair and make-up always reminds me of Selma Blair in that it's simple but still smouldering- she's not one of those girls who needs a lot of make up to look hot (damn you). Leigh shows here how she can work black fur, black leather and black chiffon without looking dull all in one colour, or like she is too consciously trying to work a gothic or rocker look. She's the dark twin to Alexa Chung's cute preppy look. Lovers of black take note- this is how to work effortless sexy chic.

I love her, she is so supercool. Was watching the GG ep where she cameos :) And love your mood boards, am gonna post photos of mine soon :)