Plaits are back. I'm not talking about schoolgirl braids or last years mini-plait along the hairline look (single handedly kept alive by Lauren Conrad) but a full blown plait. This summer it's all about one thick, slightly dishevelled plait worn to the side and preferably done (if you have the skills) in an inverse french plait. Now I am sadly lacking in skills, and also my hair is a) thin, and b) only shoulder length, so the most I can manage is a very short, messy little plait but I am considering buying some clip in extensions purely to rock this look out. Alexander Wang pioneered the look this season as a playful accessory to his athletics-vibe collection, but shows exactly how it needs to be worn- distinctively NOT girly girly. Not too neat, not too polished, it needs to look like you rolled out of bed (leaving Johnny Depp sleeping behind you...) and just did it- 'cos yeah, you're that laid back.
Diane Kruger, as always, is way ahead of the pack and has perfected the look already.
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