Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Poetry on the Underground

The government continues to spread awareness of notable literary figures and budding new talent through the 'Poetry on the Underground' initiative. Alongside the solemnly beautiful 'A Boy should Wonder', which I posted about a few days ago, is this newly spotted poetic treat.

'The Way we Go' by Katherine Towers
-a poem from her Guardian shortlisted first book.

the way we go about our lives
trying out each empty room
like houses we might own
eavesdropping for clues in corridors until

standing at a gate or attic window
seeing beauty in a flag of sky
we're gone, leaving the doors open
all the lights burning

I think it captures a child's outlook on life- full of adventure, wonder, speculation and intrigue.


  1. to me it was about how as we grow, we look at all the things we could do, peeping and peering but never really committing. Then finally we see something that catches our eye and mind, and we just leave the confines and walls we've spent so much time in, to discover the world.

  2. Yes this is a good poem. Is it about this life which is transient? I am sure it is. It also says about being young, lack of seriousness in anything. Such mind does not know what it needs. Just wander from one point to another, leaving a messy back ground.
