I have previously disliked Roberto Cavalli's clothes for using animal print in a way that is both garish and cheap, but in the Fall 2010 ready to wear collection he surprised and delighted me with muted tones of leopard and zebra print on beautifully flowing maxi dresses and chunky furs. I love the heavily layered styling and the mixture of textures- who would have thought that brocade, velvet, fur and chiffon could all fuse together so perfectly in one look? This is modern boho-chic at its best- big, bold and really sexy. I also fell in love with the shoes and the make-up which was (in my opinion) a wearable version of the face paint from the Lion King theatre production! Love, love, LOVE it!!!
If this, as I think it is, is a washed out animal print jumpsuit then I am in heaven.
Loving the chubby fur with tapered chiffon harem pants.
Maxi dress, scarf, big cuffs and flat gladiator sandals- summer travel perfection!
A semi-pirate look- studded velvet jacket with gold piping detail- very heritage/Edwardian glamour.
Freja in brocade trousers!! Loving the open toe ankle boots.
How much does this coat look like a fabulous vintage-find that Carrie would wear c.season 2??
AND the dress she wore in the movie when the girls went to the auction house.